Office Management
1 / 35
Text-styling feature of MS word is
2 / 35
Which item is printed at the bootom of each page
3 / 35
To change line height to 1.5 we use shortcut key :
4 / 35
We can change the thickness of a line from ___
5 / 35
What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories ?
6 / 35
We can remove / hide border of a shape by selecting …
7 / 35
Color and pattern used to fill a closed shape is called
8 / 35
The brain of any computer system is___________?
9 / 35
In Excel, Columns are labelled as ___
10 / 35
What item contains detailed information about something in the text ?
11 / 35
The space left between the margin and the start of a paragraph is called
12 / 35
To apply center alignment to a paragraph we can press
13 / 35
The process of removing unwanted part of an image is called
14 / 35
A number of letter that appears little above the normal text is called :
15 / 35
A number of letter that appears little below the normal text is called :
16 / 35
Which functioning Excel tells how many numeric entries are there ?
17 / 35
What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called ?
18 / 35
Functions in MS Excel must begin with ___
19 / 35
20 / 35
You can organize files by storing them in__________?
21 / 35
Which function in Excel checks whether a condition is true or not ?
22 / 35
Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?
23 / 35
Which items are placed at the end of a document
24 / 35
Which item appears dimly behid the main body text
25 / 35
Where footnotes appear in a document
26 / 35
Which feature starts a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border
27 / 35
Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using
28 / 35
A features that displays only the data in column (s) according to specified criteria
29 / 35
Which one can be used as watermark in a word document
30 / 35
Which of the following are input devices?
31 / 35
We can insert a page number at
32 / 35
The direction of a rectangular page for viewing and printing is called
33 / 35
Which one is not a Function in MS Excel ?
34 / 35
VGA is____________?
35 / 35
In which view Headers and Footers are visible
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